Root Canal Therapy in Loveland, OH

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Restore Your Oral Health

If you have difficulty eating, speaking, or doing your oral hygiene routine, you may have a tooth infection. Tooth infection occurs when cavities or gum disease is left untreated for some time. When the infection is left untreated, your tooth is at risk for extraction and damaging the rest of your teeth.

At Michael Kreimer DMD, Dr. Kreimer offers root canal therapy to save your tooth from extraction. When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected or abscessed, root canal therapy can save the tooth. A tooth can become abscessed as a result of deep decay, a cracked tooth, or trauma to the tooth. The only alternative to having a root canal is an extraction.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy, also known as root canal or endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure, performed with a local anesthetic, which involves the removal of the nerve inside of the tooth because it has become irreversibly damaged or infected. This is usually due to the entry of bacteria into the centermost part of the tooth called the dental pulp (nerve). This procedure involves the removal of the entire nerve system, as well as cleaning, shaping, and 3D filling of the canal system with gutta-percha and a dental sealer. The procedure enables you to keep your natural tooth, which is preferable to any type of replacement.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Undergoing root canal therapy will provide you with a variety of benefits for not only your oral health but also your overall health. Benefits include:

  • Preserve your natural tooth
  • Enhance oral health
  • Protect overall health
  • Prevent infection from returning
Root canal illustration
Healthy tooth
Root canal illustration
Tooth in need of root canal
The way root canal therapy is performed today is vastly different than those done a few years ago, not to mention a decade ago. The potential level for quality care has dramatically increased. It’s a thing of the past to do root canals in five to six appointments, or by “touch or feel” because we could not see. Root canals can be done painlessly, faster, and more accurately due to the new technology available.

Signs & Symptoms of Infected Tooth

Knowing the signs of an infected tooth is vital, it allows Dr. Kreimer to immediately disinfect your tooth and protect it against future dental issues. You may require a root canal if you experience one or more of these:

  • Severe toothache 
  • Dark discoloration of the tooth
  • Pain upon chewing or application of pressure
  • Prolonged tooth sensitivity from hot and cold temperatures
  • Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums

If you experience any of the symptoms, it’s crucial to immediately seek professional dental care. Call our Loveland dental practice at (513) 677-3656 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kreimer. 

The Root Canal Therapy Process

During a root canal, the tooth is “numbed”. Then the unhealthy nerve is removed and medication is placed in the tooth to treat the infection. After the infection is removed and treated, a filling is placed in the roots where the unhealthy nerve was.

A tooth that has undergone a root canal is more brittle and must be crowned to give the tooth sufficient strength. The tooth is cared for in the same way as other natural teeth. Brush and floss daily, and visit your dentist for regular preventative dental check-ups.

Step 1
Root canal illustration
After the tooth is numbed, a small opening is made into the pulp chamber. The canals are located and measured, so they can be cleansed and shaped.

Step 2
Root canal illustration
The canals are filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha and the opening is sealed with sterile cotton pellets and a temporary filling.

Step 3
Root canal illustration
The tooth is typically restored within a couple of weeks. A dental crown is placed over the treated tooth to protect it, and if the tooth lacks sufficient tooth structure to hold the core build-up, a post may be placed inside. Any areas of infection around the roots will begin to heal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does root canal therapy take?

The number of visits necessary to complete a root canal will vary depending upon the severity of the infection, the number of canals in the tooth, if the canals are calcified, the anatomy of your tooth, and the complexity of the procedure. We always strive to achieve the best possible result; therefore, your treatment may take one visit or more.

Is a root canal painful or uncomfortable?

Undergoing a root canal is virtually painless since a local anesthetic will be administered before starting the procedure. If you have dental anxiety, you can also opt for dental sedation. Most patients compare receiving a root canal to receiving a dental filling. After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort or soreness, this can be alleviated by over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen.

How do I prepare for root canal therapy?

If our dentist determines that you’re in need of root canal therapy, a schedule will be set up. Your dentist will provide you with instructions on preparing for your procedure. 

  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco for a full 24 hours before the procedure
  • Take pain medication if advised by your dentist
  • Eat your meal two hours or more before your procedure if advised to do so

If you have any questions about preparing your procedure, Dr. Kreimer can answer your questions and concerns.

Save Your Smile, Schedule Your Appointment

If you suffering from tooth infection and are looking for a treatment to save and preserve your natural tooth, our dentist can help. At our Loveland office, Dr. Kreimer provides root canal therapy to get rid of your tooth infection, save your natural teeth, and maintain your oral health.

To learn more about root canal therapy and what it can do for you, schedule your consultation with Dr. Kreimer by calling our Loveland office at (513) 677-3656. We proudly provide services to patients in the Cincinnati area, and surrounding areas such as Murdock, Landen, Mason, and Reading, OH. We look forward to helping you save your smile!